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What Do We Believe?

If you've clicked on this portion of the website, it means you should know what certain terms mean and don't mean. You should have a strong personal relationship and walk with Jesus by this point, and therefore I won't waste too much time going into detail. Here is a simplified doctrinal statement and to this ministry these are essential or there is no possibility of fellowship, only a constant exhortation and rebuke to those who disagree. 
👉Open Truth Ministry is openly Reformed. 
👉We believe in Post-Tribulation rapture. There is no secret rapture before tribulation. 
👉We believe in the Eternal Security of the believer. (You cannot lose your salvation if you're genuinely Born Again. 
👉We believe that a person must be made alive, made new and Born Again in order for them to be sealed by the Holy Spirit. This is all by the power of God and will of God, not the will or any exertion of man. 
👉We believe the entire salvation of a person from start to finish are all acts of God, not acts of man. 
👉Good works are a byproduct, not a prerequisite. Faith produces good works, but works to illustrate faith before God is dead works. Justification comes first, sanctification comes second, and the final phase of redemption is glorification which is all done by Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ, and for Jesus Christ and His good pleasure. 
👉Baptism cannot save a person. This is an outward expression of inward commitment. It starts with God transforming the heart before water even makes a difference. 

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